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Austeeth Facilitator


Dr Wendy Cheung is a Lecturer and course co-ordinator in Paediatric Dentistry at the School of Dentistry, University of Adelaide. She received her Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Graduate Diploma of Clinical Dentistry, and Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Paediatric Dentistry) degrees from the University of Adelaide. Wendy has been involved in clinical teaching and lecturing for over ten years, while continuing research work at the Australian Research Centre of Population Oral Health (ARCPOH) and involved in clinical work at SA Dental Service, AWCH, and private practice at Little Happy Tooth Co. In 2014, Wendy, together with Dr Gloria Mejia, was awarded the ADRF International College of Dentist Community Oral Health Award for the 'Mum and Child Oral Health Project', looking into the relationship between materal factors, early childhood caries, and enamel defects. Wendy has an interest in working with children with Special Needs and is a recipient of 2013 and 2014 ADAF Wrigley Grant looking into improving oral care and health of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Wendy is also the Secretary of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Paediatric Dentistry (SA Branch), and served as a reviewer in peer reviewed public health and dental journals, an examiner for the Australian Dental Council for many years, and past Paediatric Dentistry Consultant at the Adelaide Women's and Children's Hospital. 




Little Happy Tooth Co Team

Australian Dental Foundation

Wrigley’s Foundation

Autism SA

School of Dentistry, University of Adelaide

All other colleagues involved in the development of the Visual Tool






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